The richness of life...and leaving the washing for another day!

The richness of life...and leaving the washing for another day!

As a working mother, there are frequently moments when I feel stretched.  Whilst I have the privilege of running my own business and within that dictating my own hours, life doesn’t always go to plan. 

The question I often sit with is…”how do I make all of this work and still feel whole?” And at the end of the day, I am struck by it all coming down to the quality of the moments throughout the busyness of life. 

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How to be with the uncomfortable parts of self...and my love of brownies!

How to be with the uncomfortable parts of self...and my love of brownies!

So I lost my nerve with my writing.  It has been months since I have pondered my experience of the world on the page. Something about ‘that is not how it is done’ became a bigger voice than I could battle.  So rather than battling, I let it have its rein for a while.  I sat with it, I wondered and I discovered a little wounded part of self, who believed she was never good enough.  We became friends, we played games, and rather than trying to convince each other who was right and who was wrong, we eventually chose to accept one another for all of the messiness and the incompleteness that we are.

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Reconnecting to Life with Wholebody Focusing

Reconnecting to Life with Wholebody Focusing

Wholebody Focusing can transform your life.  If you would like to learn more about how this practice can help you feel empowered, more satisfied in your relationships and more engaged in life, watch this short 2 minute video...

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The Power of Sharing Stories

The Power of Sharing Stories

In our work we are constantly inspired by incredible growth and transformation that can happen in client's lives.  This month we invited our newsletter subscribers to submit their stories of growth.   With the hope that these stories may inspire you and others, we are publishing a selection of these stories to our blog.  

But then, by chance we came across this incredible resource, that is offering a similar collective of inspiration, but on a much larger touched, be inspired, educate yourself and others, check out...The Mighty...

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Growing through anxiety ....

Growing through anxiety ....

This morning I received a text ...“Mum, I have my first pimple, I am growing up!”.

Now let me put this in context, this text is from our youngest child, who is at that moment is upstairs, in her bedroom, and it is 7am!

I bound upstairs, and I am invited to inspect the blemish on her cheek – no it does not appear to be a mosquito bite, nor an allergy spot, yes I confirm it does appear to be a full blown pimple.  

With delight, our child proudly confides that this is truly evidence of her development.

I share in her excitement, as I look about her room filled with soft toys and pink…and I note for a moment, I am able to sit with both the joy and grief of motherhood... 

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How we impact others ...

How we impact others ...

This weekend past, it was my school reunion.  Now whilst that might not seem like anything significant, quite a few decades on, there was a lot to reflect on. 

You see I was a boarder sent to a city school from the country at 12 years old.  Only getting to go home on the holidays or the occasional long weekend, I essentially grew up at high school.  At the reunion I met up again with the people that had grown me up – my fellow students.

Reflecting on the stories shared on the night, I realize now the huge impact we all had upon one another.  

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Generation G(oogle) - children, anxiety and the web?

Generation G(oogle) - children, anxiety and the web?

I noticed on Facebook the other day a meme came up on my feed that read, “Please don’t confuse your Google search with my medical degree.” And it got me thinking about the power of Google in our lives and in particular the lives of our children, the access it affords them to the wondrous and unknown, that generations before us could only have dreamed about. There is much said in the media and taught in our children’s schools about the dangers of inappropriate, unsupervised access to the Internet. We are all too aware of social media trolls, cyber bullying and online predators but what of the seemingly harmless websites our children visit and the hidden impact they can have?

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Who is your teacher…?

Who is your teacher…?

All my life I have lived surrounded by beautiful gardens.  As a child the garden was a place of escape into wonder and make believe.  As I grew older the garden became a place of family working bees - arguing with my siblings and protesting with my parents as we raked leaves, watered the garden beds and mowed the lawns .  As a young adult home from university, the garden grew into a place where I could talk with my mother about the questions of life, as I helped her toil away in the vegie patch or prune the roses.

The garden grew and transformed, as I grew and transformed.

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